Let's Try This Again

· 385 words · 2 minute read

Roughly 5 years ago I started writing blog posts. My goal was simple, to write one blog post per month about anything I wanted without an agenda or concern for whether people read or liked what I had to say. I also looked at it as a good opportunity to improve two things that do not come naturally to me: writing and explaining something in a simple way. Furthermore, some of the computer programmers I respected the most (antirez, moxie, kimchy, etc.) had blogs, which I thought was cool and hence decided to follow their trend.

For better or worse, my blogging adventures came to an end after three months. This mostly happened because I joined a fast-growing early-stage startup with a small engineering team and a lot of features to build and maintain. But this was not the only reason. In a certain way I was not true to my original goal and had a bit of impostor syndrome. After all, I was for the most part a moron and felt like I did not have enough experience under my belt to talk about the things I wanted to talk about.

So you might be thinking “What makes him try this again? Did he stop being a moron?”. Well, the answer is no. I’m still a moron. And while I’ve gained more experience, I still believe that I do not have enough experience to talk about the things I want to talk about. However, my work life balance has improved and the task of writing one blog post per month seems less daunting so why not give it another try.

To set the proper expectations, moving forward I’ll still honor the intent of my original goal and write about whatever I want without an agenda or care for whether people like what I have to say. But I’ll also try to write about things that stand the test of time. Something that I can come back to ten years from now and have it still be relevant. I’ll also try to mix it up a bit more and write about things outside of software and technology. Lastly, I will do my best to share the things that have helped me, I wish I’d known or just had avoided entirely. Anyways, we’ll see what happens.